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The Beehive A's was founded in 1982 for the purpose of fostering fellowship and encouraging the acquisition, restoration, and showing the Ford Model A, which was produced from 1928 through 1931. Most importantly, we encourage owners to drive their cars! The Model A was built for driving, and they are fun! Tours are scheduled for the warm weather months and include local as well as longer distance destinations.
The Club meets monthly, generally on the second Monday of the month. Presently, the meetings are held at 7:00 pm at the Pleasant Valley Library, 5568 S, Adams Ave, Washington Terrace, UT. During the summer months, the meeting location may be at a member's home or shop. Check the Upcoming Events page or the Rumbleseat Review for the location. Membership dues are $30.00 a year, and include our montly newsletter, The Rumbleseat Review. Technical discussions are held at most meetings, which allow members with experience on a particular aspect of the Model A to share their knowledge with others.
Current Member Roster: Note: A username and a password are now required. Call or email Bill Wiser for member access. Now Available.
Have you renewed your Model A Registration yet? Most members have a due date of January 31. If so, you should receive your renewal in the mail in the next few days. The process is easy...just go to the Renewal Express web page, fill in your license number and PIN number (as indicated on the renewal form), and follow the steps indicated. You'll need to provide a credit card number.
Notice: Our annual dues are $30.00, payable in December of the previous year. Members receive a monthly Newsletter, the Rumbleseat Review, and are included in our Membership Roster and are invited to Club activities. Members that have not renewed by March 31 of the current year will be deleted from the active Roster.
As a reminder, the Bank charges us $10.00 for a returned check fee. We will pass this fee on to the person issuing the check.
Here's our Treasurer's name and address:
Club Officers: Our 2025 President is Heidi Pitkin, President-Elect Chaz and Charlie Walker, Vice President is Keb Leete, Secretary/Treasurer is Jim Brown, Newsletter Editor is Henry Dominguez, and the Club Historian Position has been filled by Bill Wiser. Installation of the Officers was at the Christmas Party last December. Contact information is posted in the current newsletter.